In the Balinese Hindu community, Pura Goa Lawah Klungkung is known as one of the six important temples in Bali. The other five temples include Lempuyang Temple, Uluwatu Temple, Andakasa Temple, Batukaru Temple and Seleyukti Temple.

Why is it called Goa Lawah Temple? Furthermore, the name Goa Lawah consists of the words goa and lawah. The word Lawah is Balinese which means bat. If translated, it means the Bat Cave temple. So Goa Lawah temple is a temple and in the temple area there is a cave inhabited by thousands of bats.

Furthermore, the scenery in this temple is very distinctive and unique. The uniqueness of this temple is in the cave which is under shady trees. Besides that, inside the wall of the mouth of the cave there are many bats hanging.

Then, right at the mouth of the cave, several shrines were built. Apart from that, in front of the cave in the temple area there are also many places of worship.

The big ceremony at this temple or known as piodalan is held every six months. That is, on the Balinese calendar, it is called Anggarkasih Medangsia day. The piodalan at Goa Lawah Temple coincides with the piodalan at the Uluwatu Temple in Bali.

On the day of the ceremony, the Goa Lawah temple will appear colorful with lots of flower decorations and all the shrines will be decorated with cloth.


Location of Goa Lawah Temple Klungkung

The location of the Goa Lawah temple is included in the Pesinggahan village area, Dawan District, Klungkung Regency. The distance is about 10 km to the east of the city of Semarapura or approximately 50 km from the city of Denpasar.

This temple is across from the beach and is in a hillside area. A temple was also built on the beach area which is called Pura Segara.

Segara Temple is a temple for the local community where most of their livelihoods are fishermen to worship God as Bhatara Baruna or the God of the Sea. From this coastline, you will be able to see the island of Nusa Penida.

When entering Pesinggahan village towards the temple location, along the way there are many stalls offering a menu of sea fish. Such as grilled fish, spiced fish, satay, fish soup, plecing vegetables, raw chili sauce, Balinese red chili sauce, complete with rice and young coconut ice. There are also many snack stalls opposite the temple.

The available vehicle parking area is quite large and the parking area is outside the temple and in the beach area.

This tourist destination area is crowded with foreign and domestic tourists. Especially during the holiday season and big holidays. For foreign tourists, besides visiting the Goa Lawah temple, they will also have a vacation in Candidasa.



Rules for Entering Hindu Temple Areas

This temple is a holy place for Hindus which is used for prayer every day. So every visitor is required to follow the rules before and when entering the temple area. like:

  • Every tourist is required to wear a sarong and scarf tied around the waist. If you don’t bring a sarong and shawl, you can use the sarong and shawl available on site.
  • Women who are menstruating are strictly prohibited from entering the temple area.
  • Visitors are prohibited from climbing the stairs in front of the shrine.
  • Visitors are expected not to walk in front of people who are praying.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the temple area.
  • Visitors are not allowed to litter.